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Our Team

A five-year veteran to our team, Enrique previously worked as our micro-loan program coordinator and a small business consulting coordinator, before becoming our El Sauce Site Coordinator in 2016. He has worked with over 20 groups, and is bilingual in English and Spanish. Enrique is also on the 4 Walls Project El Sauce Selection Committee. Enrique likes playing music, exercising, and traveling.  

El Sauce Site Coordinator

Enrique Corrales

Enlace Intern

Jesse Bennett 

Jesse Bennett, graduated from the State University of New York College at Geneseo in May 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Political Science. As the Enlace Intern, she teaches in Enlace Project's Employability Skills and English Program, works in marketing, and assists with leading groups visiting El Sauce. In El Sauce, she can be found somewhere drinking smoothies or coffee! She plans to pursue a career in international organization and intercultural relations. 

After graduating in 2006 with a bachelor’s degree in economics from the State University of New York College at Geneseo, Kellan moved to Nicaragua in, where he lived for 9 years until moving to Rochester, NY. From El Sauce, he began to serve as SUNY Geneseo's Resident Director for Study Abroad Programs. In 2010 he co-founded Enlace Project to further enhance the economic development work that was being done in El Sauce. He first came to Nicaragua in 2006 as part of the fact-finding trip for the university. His hobbies include exercising, reading, traveling, and playing basketball.


Kellan Morgan

Language Class Instructor and Assistant 

Maria Alejandra Pastora 

Maria Alejandra Pastora has been studying English at Enlace Project for four years and joined our team as the English class assistant in January 2017. She is also currently studying marketing at UNAN in Léon. Maria Alejandra assists in leading First Level English classes at Enlace as well as teaching our Ocotal English class. She hopes to create her own business someday and enjoys exercising in her free time! 


Seasonal Program Assistants and Interpreters 

Alejandro "Alex" Solano has worked with Enlace Project for more than one year assisting with trip coordination and interpreting. Alex owns a bike repair shop in El Sauce and is part of our Advanced English Class.    


Cesar Marin has worked for more than 2 years assisting in trips coordination and interpreting for Enlace Project and other organization. He is also a part of our Advanced English Class.  â€‹Cesar received a job using his English and is currently working in Managua. 


Keyslor Calderon is trained as a social worker, teaches English, and studies English at Enlace Project. He joined our team in January 2017.

Other Seasonal Staff

Our on-call doctor, has worked with Enlace Project and our groups for over 8 years, providing consultations for students, faculty members, and volunteers for when they fall under the weather.

Dr. Sara Aroztegui: 

Franklin has worked with Enlace Project since 2010, and is an experienced, skilled driver, particularly in the mountain terrain of El Sauce. 


Franklin Lopez: 

Luis Felipe Centeno: 

 Part-owner of “Transportes Centeno,” Luis Felipe has worked with Enlace Project and SUNY Geneseo groups for over 10 years, providing safe and reliable transportation around Nicaragua.

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Find us: 

In the United States: 
138 Stafford Ave. Waterville, NY 13480

In Nicaragua:

Frente de la casa de cultura, El Sauce, Leon, Nicaragua

© 2017 by Enlace Project. 

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